USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center joins forces with SHARE

USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center joins forces with SHARE2018-10-25T12:13:56-07:00

The USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center Office of Community Outreach and Engagement recently hosted a community forum with Program Directors from SHARE. Community members, survivors and patients impacted by breast and/or ovarian cancer participated along with faculty, students, and families in learning about SHARE’s invaluable impact and support on the lives of women battling cancer. SHARE is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and sustaining supportive communities for women affected by breast and ovarian cancer. Ivis Sampayo, Senior Director of Programs at SHARE, shared her journey through being a two-time Latina breast cancer survivor. She spoke about the support she received from her family and friends and how this played a crucial part in her fight against cancer. For over 20 years she has committed her life to creating an atmosphere of support and empowerment for all women affected by cancer. She has developed over 57 educational and resource programs across the nation that focus on educating underserved patient communities about the different types of cancer, treatment options, and support services available. She emphasized that no one has to face cancer alone. Jennie Santiago, Co-Director of LatinaSHARE, a division of SHARE that focuses on the Spanish speaking community, also spoke about her own personal battle with cancer and how SHARE was there every step of the way during her recovery. She currently Leads LatinaSHARE which specifically provides support, information, education and advocacy opportunities for people who feel more comfortable communicating in Spanish. Her sister, Shirley Santiago, also impacted by breast cancer told her story and the support she is providing to the SHARE Helpline and creation of support groups for Spanish speaking women. Dr. Baezconde-Garbanati, Associate Director of Community Outreach & Engagement at Norris and Associate Dean for Community Initiatives at the Keck School of Medicine acknowledged the tremendous outreach and engagement that SHARE has accomplished and the need for organizations like them to support cancer patient communities. The Cancer Center is working with SHARE in the creation of a Los Angeles support group with SHARE that will focus on Spanish speaking women impacted by breast and ovarian cancer. This is consistent with the goals of the Norris to focus on invasive female breast cancer that impacts the catchment area.