Labs & Facilities

Wet Lab

Researching public health in our own backyard.

Research in the Department of Preventive Medicine happens across a variety of research institutes, specific labs, research centers and in the field. The diverse nature of the research requires each project to be aptly linked with the appropriate facility.

Research Institutes

Institute on Inequalities in Global Health (IIGH)

Institute for Preventive Research (IPR)

Research Labs

Health, Emotion, & Addiction Laboratory (HEAL)

The Real-Time Eating Activity and Children’s Health Lab (REACH)

BioMind Lab

Tobacco Education and Materials Lab (teamlab)

Research Centers

Southern California Environmental Health Sciences Center (SCEHSC)

Southern California Children’s Environmental Health Center (SC-CEHC)

Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS)

Center for Applied Network Analysis (CANA)