White Coats for Black Lives: Staff gather together in remembrance of George Floyd

White Coats for Black Lives: Staff gather together in remembrance of George Floyd

(Photo/Richard Carrasco)

On the morning of Friday, June 5, staff at Keck Medicine of USC, USC Verdugo Hills Hospital and Keck School of Medicine of USC gathered together for a show of solidarity for racial equality and justice for all. Health care workers met outside for 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence in remembrance of George Floyd, either standing or taking a knee. This was part of a national movement by medical centers across the country and ties into the White Coats 4 Black Lives initiative. The moments of shared silence were powerful, and a symbol of the staff’s shared commitment to fight racism and effect positive change.

See here for video testimonies of staff explaining what this demonstration means to them. 

To see more photos, read the original Keck Medicine of USC post