Laryngectomee to Laryngectomee, Caregiver to Caregiver: The Power of Connection During COVID-19

Laryngectomee to Laryngectomee, Caregiver to Caregiver: The Power of Connection During COVID-19

Photo: Canva

Founded in 2010 by Dr. Brenda Villegas, with Dr. Niels Kokot and Dr. Uttam Sinha as medical advisors, the NuVoices Laryngectomee and Caregiver Support Group provides information and support to patients and caregivers. Since the group transitioned to virtual conferences at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, it has offered a discussion platform for topics ranging from facing the new norm to fear of getting COVID for the cancer patient. Members have shared tips on getting reliable grocery deliveries, keeping their homes sanitized, managing their households with children at home and working from home. Many sessions have addressed precautions and PPE (use of a face mask and cover or a mask over stoma for a laryngectomee).

Virtual conferences have also provided an easy way to invite speakers from the healthcare team and to inspire and create connection with other laryngectomees across the country as they share their journeys.

NuVoices Los Angeles Laryngectomee and Caregiver Support Group meets Monday evenings at 6:30 pm PST. The group enthusiastically welcomes new members.

“I came in as a stranger and left with a new group of friends,” said one regular attendee.

 Visit for more information or email Dr. Brenda Villegas at