The Keck School’s FMIG student leadership. From left: events chair Melissa Gonzalez, president Annette Gomez, community outreach chair Lindsay Nagatani-Short, mentorship chair Diana Nielsen, and primary care coalition chair Alondra Hurtado.
The Keck School of Medicine’s Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) has been recognized by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) as a Program of Excellence.
Seven medical schools earned the classification for 2020-21 at the AAFP’s National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students in July.
The AAFP recognizes FMIGs “for their efforts to stimulate student interest in family medicine and family medicine programming,” the Academy said in a statement. “FMIGs are active at nearly every medical school across the country. The Program of Excellence Award aims to celebrate the contributions these groups make to the specialty of family medicine …”