Keck School faculty honored during USC’s spring awards season

Keck School faculty honored during USC’s spring awards season

Berislav Zlokovic

Faculty at the Keck School of Medicine have been honored with a variety of awards recently. 

On April 12, the University honored outstanding faculty for the academic year during its 40th annual Academic Honors Convocation. Berislav Zlokovic, MD, PhD, chair and professor of physiology and neuroscience and director of the Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute, was one of three USC faculty members to be appointed University Professors. 

John Brooks Slaughter, PhD and Hanna Reisler, PhD, also were named University Professors. Natalia Molina, PhD, and Alan E. Willner, PhD, were named Distinguished Professors.

Keck School faculty honored during USC’s spring awards season

Pragna Patel

Also at the Convocation, Pragna I. Patel, PhD, professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine, was honored with the USC Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching.

In addition, USC Emeritus Professor Robert E. Maxson, PhD, was presented with the Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award. The honor goes to “a very select number of retired faculty at the annual Academic Honors Convocation, the USC Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes eminent careers and notable contributions to the university, the profession and the community.” Florence A. Clark, Michael Waterman and Martin H. Weiss also earned the accolade.

Read more about Maxson’s work and adventurous life in this feature by USC Stem Cell.  

Keck School faculty honored during USC’s spring awards season

Robert Maxson

Four KSOM faculty members were selected as recipients of the 2021 USC Mentoring Award for Faculty Mentoring Graduate Students. Congratulations to Gabriel Zada, MD, MS, professor of neurological surgery (clinical scholar); Jesse Berry, MD, associate professor of ophthalmology (clinical scholar); W. Martin Kast, PhD, professor of molecular microbiology & immunology, obstetrics & gynecology and urology, and the Walter A. Richter Cancer Research Chair; and Rita Burke, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of clinical preventive medicine.

USC Provost Charles F. Zukoski said the award “recognizes exceptional individuals who go above and beyond what is expected, fostering an engaging, supportive, and inclusive academic environment through their mentorship of colleagues, graduate and undergraduate students.”

Keck School faculty honored during USC’s spring awards season

Gabriel Zada, Jesse Berry, W. Martin Kast and Rita Burke