Enabling high-risk pregnancies to result in joyful outcomes

When the Kadkhodazadehs found out Linda was pregnant with their third child, they knew that they would return to the doctors they trusted at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital (USC VHH). Having already undergone two cesarean deliveries there, Linda knew that USC VHH was the right place to care for her through this pregnancy too.

Because of excessive amniotic fluid discovered in an early ultrasound, Linda was determined to have a high-risk pregnancy. Physicians monitored the fetus’ heart twice a week to make sure it was not in stress. “They were very patient to answer all of my questions and concerns, and took extra time to go through the possibilities,” Linda recalls.

Because of Linda’s high-risk status, doctors set a specific due date for delivery, again by cesarean. But four weeks prior to the delivery date, she was diagnosed with possible placenta accrete, a potentially life-threatening condition with a risk that her uterus would need to be removed during delivery.

A team of five doctors from USC VHH and Keck Medicine of USC consulted on the case and made sure that everyone worked closely together and were ready for every possible outcome.

When the day of Linda’s delivery arrived, the doctors involved worked seamlessly to ensure a delivery that was both safe for mother and baby. The cesarean delivery of Sophia, a healthy baby girl, was perfect and the doctors were able to detach the placenta without incident.

“Afterward, the support I received from the hospital was great,” says Linda.

“They were very cautious and very concerned, and visited me every day to make sure that I was able to safely go home. They didn’t let anything slip through the cracks.”