Support the Department


Every gift to the Department of Surgery funds the endless endeavor of surgical excellence.

The USC Department of Surgery is advancing the science of surgery. From innovative therapies and research to the healing power of compassion and humanity, our surgeons bring together the expert skills, confidence and collaboration to change the way we look at surgery. Your gift will make an immediate impact on our work and the lives of countless others through strengthening clinical excellence, innovating research, and delivering extraordinary an education. Your investment could help us advance a promising research study, recruit a talented physician-scientist, develop a new educational program, purchase a key piece of equipment or technology, or recognize and support the work of a surgeon who has made a difference in your life.

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Please contact:

Angie Salicrup
Development Director
Telephone: (323) 442-0335

How You Can Help

Priorities include:

Enhancing Patient Care

Excellence in patient care is at the heart of what we do. Funds to support the USC Department of Surgery can be used to enhance the entire patient and family experience from providing the best possible clinical outcomes and faster recovery times to improving wait times in clinic.

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Advancing Research

We hope to recruit world-class surgeon scientists and promising junior faculty members to add their voices to our collaborative conversations. Faculty are encouraged to abandon their research silos and work together to study a variety of perspectives to advance the translational science of surgery. A philanthropic investment to seed new ideas and approaches would yield an enormous return in further funding and scientific advancement.

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Training the Next Generation

Training the next generation is an unwavering priority and the Department of Surgery earmarks over $1.5 million every year in support of the educational programs for residents. The Department boasts a robust organizational structure that integrates clinical experience with the latest skills lab, simulation, and didactic instruction. Funding enhances every aspect of the campaign to train the next generation.

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Expanding Facilities

Gift to support capital expansion will ensure that our surgeons and residents have access to the best facilities with the latest technology. A USC Center for Surgical Innovation will house a multidisciplinary research and teaching facility, with ample conference facilities to teach, train, explore and discover. New and remodeled facilities will ensure that surgeon-scientists have access to the technology and resources to generate patient-specific disease models, study and explore underlying disease mechanisms, and discover new roads to cures and treatments.

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