

Giorgia Quadrato

Giorgia Quadrato

Assistant Professor of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine
1425 San Pablo St. Health Sciences Campus Los Angeles

Human cerebellar organoids with functional Purkinje cellsCell Stem Cell. 2024 01 04; 31(1):39-51. e6. . View in PubMed

Non-synaptic function of the autism spectrum disorder-associated gene SYNGAP1 in cortical neurogenesis Nat Neurosci. 2023 Dec; 26(12):2090-2103. . View in PubMed

Present and Future Modeling of Human Psychiatric Connectopathies With Brain Organoids Biol Psychiatry. 2023 04 01; 93(7):606-615. . View in PubMed

Organoids as tools for fundamental discovery and translation-a Keystone Symposia report Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2022 12; 1518(1):196-208. . View in PubMed

Not all cortical organoids are created equal Nat Cell Biol. 2022 06; 24(6):805-806. . View in PubMed

Autism genes converge on asynchronous development of shared neuron classes Nature. 2022 02; 602(7896):268-273. . View in PubMed

Taming human brain organoids one cell at a time Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2021 03; 111:23-31. . View in PubMed

Upgrading the Physiological Relevance of Human Brain Organoids Neuron. 2020 09 23; 107(6):1014-1028. . View in PubMed

Guiding human development in a dish Nat Methods. 2019 07; 16(7):585-586. . View in PubMed

Individual brain organoids reproducibly form cell diversity of the human cerebral cortex Nature. 2019 06; 570(7762):523-527. . View in PubMed

Studying the Brain in a Dish: 3D Cell Culture Models of Human Brain Development and Disease Curr Top Dev Biol. 2018; 129:99-122. . View in PubMed

Present and future of modeling human brain development in 3D organoids Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2017 12; 49:47-52. . View in PubMed

Cell diversity and network dynamics in photosensitive human brain organoids Nature. 2017 05 04; 545(7652):48-53. . View in PubMed

Cell Stem Cell. 2016 Mar 03; 18(3):297-9. . View in PubMed

The promises and challenges of human brain organoids as models of neuropsychiatric disease Nat Med. 2016 11; 22(11):1220-1228. . View in PubMed

The MDM4/MDM2-p53-IGF1 axis controls axonal regeneration, sprouting and functional recovery after CNS injury Brain. 2015 Jul; 138(Pt 7):1843-62. . View in PubMed

Direct cell-cell contact with the vascular niche maintains quiescent neural stem cells Nat Cell Biol. 2014 Nov; 16(11):1045-56. . View in PubMed

Modulation of GABAA receptor signaling increases neurogenesis and suppresses anxiety through NFATc4 J Neurosci. 2014 Jun 18; 34(25):8630-45. . View in PubMed

Adult neurogenesis in brain repair: cellular plasticity vscellular replacement. Front Neurosci. 2014; 8:17. . View in PubMed

The tumor suppressor p53 fine-tunes reactive oxygen species levels and neurogenesis via PI3 kinase signaling J Neurosci. 2013 Sep 04; 33(36):14318-30. . View in PubMed

Waking up the sleepers: shared transcriptional pathways in axonal regeneration and neurogenesis Cell Mol Life Sci. 2013 Mar; 70(6):993-1007. . View in PubMed

p53 Regulates the neuronal intrinsic and extrinsic responses affecting the recovery of motor function following spinal cord injury J Neurosci. 2012 Oct 03; 32(40):13956-70. . View in PubMed

Neural regeneration: lessons from regenerating and non-regenerating systems Mol Neurobiol. 2012 Oct; 46(2):227-41. . View in PubMed

Nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFATc4) is required for BDNF-dependent survival of adult-born neurons and spatial memory formation in the hippocampus Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 05; 109(23):E1499-508. . View in PubMed

Gatekeeper between quiescence and differentiation: p53 in axonal outgrowth and neurogenesis Int Rev Neurobiol. 2012; 105:71-89. . View in PubMed

Constitutive activity of cannabinoid-2 (CB2) receptors plays an essential role in the protean agonism of (+)AM1241 and L768242 Br J Pharmacol. 2009 Sep; 158(1):382-91. . View in PubMed

Impaired adult neurogenesis associated with short-term memory defects in NF-kappaB p50-deficient mice J Neurosci. 2008 Apr 09; 28(15):3911-9. . View in PubMed

Dr. Quadrato's laboratory focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular basis of human brain development and disease. By combining the use of emerging models of the human brain with single cell omics approaches, the laboratory is aiming to identify cell type specific disease mechanisms, and above all, new treatments for human neurodevelopmental disorders.
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