

Francesca Mariani

Francesca Mariani

Associate Professor of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine;Integrative Anatomical Sciences;Director for the Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Master's Program;Course Director of Stem Cell Biology Regenerative Medicine;Well-being Director, Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine
Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine
BCC 407 1425 San Pablo Street Health Sciences Campus Los Angeles

Histological assessment of microtia cartilage, a potential source of autograft tissue in ear reconstruction J Anat. 2024 Apr 04. . View in PubMed

A murine model of large-scale bone regeneration reveals a selective requirement for Sonic Hedgehog NPJ Regen Med. 2022 May 17; 7(1):30. . View in PubMed

On the horizon: Hedgehog signaling to heal broken bones Bone Res. 2022 Feb 15; 10(1):13. . View in PubMed

Identification of the skeletal progenitor cells forming osteophytes in osteoarthritis Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 12; 79(12):1625-1634. . View in PubMed

Skeletal stem cells: insights into maintaining and regenerating the skeleton Development. 2020 03 11; 147(5). . View in PubMed

Sox9+ messenger cells orchestrate large-scale skeletal regeneration in the mammalian rib Elife. 2019 04 15; 8. . View in PubMed

The use of commercially available adhesive tapes to preserve cartilage and bone tissue integrity during cryosectioning Biotechniques. 2018 10; 65(4):191-196. . View in PubMed

Ectoderm-mesoderm crosstalk in the embryonic limb: The role of fibroblast growth factor signaling Dev Dyn. 2017 04; 246(4):208-216. . View in PubMed

A minimally sufficient model for rib proximal-distal patterning based on genetic analysis and agent-based simulations Elife. 2017 10 25; 6. . View in PubMed

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) Autophagy. 2016; 12(1):1-222. . View in PubMed

Ihha induces hybrid cartilage-bone cells during zebrafish jawbone regeneration Development. 2016 06 15; 143(12):2066-76. . View in PubMed

Prkci is required for a non-autonomous signal that coordinates cell polarity during cavitation Dev Biol. 2016 08 01; 416(1):82-97. . View in PubMed

Atypical PKC-iota Controls Stem Cell Expansion via Regulation of the Notch Pathway Stem Cell Reports. 2015 Nov 10; 5(5):866-880. . View in PubMed

Iroquois Proteins Promote Skeletal Joint Formation by Maintaining Chondrocytes in an Immature State Dev Cell. 2015 Nov 09; 35(3):358-65. . View in PubMed

Natural large-scale regeneration of rib cartilage in a mouse model J Bone Miner Res. 2015 Feb; 30(2):297-308. . View in PubMed

A surgical procedure for resecting the mouse rib: a model for large-scale long bone repair J Vis Exp. 2015 Jan 21; (95):52375. . View in PubMed

Updated embryology of the upper limb J Hand Surg Am. 2014 Apr; 39(4):811-2. . View in PubMed

Evidence that the limb bud ectoderm is required for survival of the underlying mesoderm Dev Biol. 2013 Sep 15; 381(2):341-52. . View in PubMed

Use of LysoTracker to detect programmed cell death in embryos and differentiating embryonic stem cells J Vis Exp. 2012 Oct 11; (68). . View in PubMed

Proximal to distal patterning during limb development and regeneration: a review of converging disciplines Regen Med. 2010 May; 5(3):451-62. . View in PubMed

Genetic evidence that FGFs have an instructive role in limb proximal-distal patterning Nature. 2008 May 15; 453(7193):401-5. . View in PubMed

Deciphering skeletal patterning: clues from the limb Nature. 2003 May 15; 423(6937):319-25. . View in PubMed

Functions of FGF signalling from the apical ectodermal ridge in limb development Nature. 2002 Aug 01; 418(6897):501-8. . View in PubMed

The neural plate specifies somite size in the Xenopus laevis gastrula Dev Cell. 2001 Jul; 1(1):115-26. . View in PubMed

Ski represses bone morphogenic protein signaling in Xenopus and mammalian cells Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Dec 19; 97(26):14394-9. . View in PubMed

Use of large-scale expression cloning screens in the Xenopus laevis tadpole to identify gene function Dev Biol. 2000 Dec 15; 228(2):197-210. . View in PubMed

Ras-mediated FGF signaling is required for the formation of posterior but not anterior neural tissue in Xenopus laevis Dev Biol. 2000 Nov 01; 227(1):183-96. . View in PubMed

XBF-2 is a transcriptional repressor that converts ectoderm into neural tissue Development. 1998 Dec; 125(24):5019-31. . View in PubMed

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