About the Department

About the Department2017-04-14T09:51:39-07:00

About the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine


USC recently established the department to spearhead multidisciplinary, educational initiatives across the university. The department offers opportunities for students and professionals at all stages of their careers.

The department’s unique courses and training programs provide a perspective on how the body’s own developmental and repair mechanisms can restore damaged cells, tissues and organs, advancing our scientific knowledge and redefining how we treat human diseases with regenerative medicine.

While pursuing these educational programs, students and professionals enjoy the state-of-the-art facilities in the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC. They also connect with colleagues and mentors across the university through the USC Stem Cell initiative, an interdisciplinary, university-wide collaboration that leverages the transformative power of stem cells to develop the therapies of the future.

For more information, visit stemcell.usc.edu.

Facts and Figures

  • Courses and training at the high school, undergraduate, master’s, PhD, postdoctoral and professional levels
  • More than $14 million in education and research grants
  • Recent publications in top journals including Nature, Cell, Cell Stem Cell, Developmental Cell, Development, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
  • 19 principal investigators
  • 19 laboratories
  • 4 core facilities in imaging; therapeutic screening; flow cytometry; and stem cell engineering
  • 1 stem cell research center
  • 1 USC Stem Cell initiative, a collaborative effort uniting more than 100 research and clinical faculty members from all disciplines across the university

Our Mission

Our mission is to discover the cellular mechanisms that establish and renew the body’s organ systems and to apply these discoveries to treating disease. We build and share an understanding of stem cells and regenerative medicine through research, collaboration and education.
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