

Robert Alan Kloner

Robert Alan Kloner

Professor of Medicine (Clinical Scholar)
Cardiovascular Medicine
IRD 620 Off Campus Los Angeles

Consumer's Research Council of America: Listed in Guide to America's Top Cardiologists, 2007

Good Samaritan Hospital : Physician Leadership Award, 2003

Institute for Scientific Information: Identified as one of the world's most highly cited authors, 2002

American Heart Association: Inaugural Fellow of the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences, 2001

United States Israel Binational Science Foundation: The Henry N. Neufeld Memorial Award, 1996

NIH: Cardiovascular Study Section A, 1995-1998

American Heart Association : Continuing Service Award, 1991

American Society for Clinical Investigation: Elected Member, 1990

82nd Annual Scientific Assembly of the Southern Medical Association: Scientific Exhibit Achievement Award, 1988

American College of Physicians: Research Prize, 1988

American Heart Association: Recipient of the Established Investigatorship Award, 1981-1986

American Society of Clinical Pathologists: Sheard-Sanford Award for Meritorius Original Student Research in Pathology During Medical School, 1976

Merck: Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Study of Medicine, 1975

Alpha Omega Alpha: Member, 1973

The Princeton IV Consensus Recommendations for the Management of Erectile Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 Aug 07. . View in PubMed

Proceedings of PRINCETON IV: PDE5 inhibitors and cardiac health symposium Sex Med Rev. 2024 Jun 27. . View in PubMed

An Urgent Call for Studies That Address the Cardiovascular Consequences of Legalization of Marijuana Cardiol Res. 2024 Apr; 15(2):86-89. . View in PubMed

Impact of symptom-to-reperfusion-time on transmural infarct extent and left ventricular strain in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a 3D view on the wavefront phenomenon Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2024 Feb 22; 25(3):347-355. . View in PubMed

Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Treatment Times for ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Observations from the Los Angeles County Regional System Am J Cardiol. 2024 Feb 15; 213:93-98. . View in PubMed

The association of tadalafil exposure with lower rates of major adverse cardiovascular events and mortality in a general population of men with erectile dysfunction Clin Cardiol. 2024 Feb; 47(2):e24234. . View in PubMed

Effects of Electronic Cigarette Vaping on Cardiac and Vascular Function, and Post-myocardial Infarction Remodeling in Rats Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2024 Feb; 24(2):199-208. . View in PubMed

Princeton IV consensus guidelines: PDE5 inhibitors and cardiac health J Sex Med. 2024 Jan 30; 21(2):90-116. . View in PubMed

Choriocapillaris and Retinal Vascular Alterations in Presymptomatic Alzheimer's Disease Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2024 Jan 02; 65(1):47. . View in PubMed

Biomarkers - Part 1 Alzheimers Dement. 2023 Dec; 19 Suppl 14:e079861. . View in PubMed

Flavoring Agents in E-cigarette Liquids: A Comprehensive Analysis of Multiple Health Risks Cureus. 2023 Nov; 15(11):e48995. . View in PubMed

Instantaneous detection of acute myocardial infarction and ischaemia from a single carotid pressure waveform in rats Eur Heart J Open. 2023 Sep; 3(5):oead099. . View in PubMed

Cardiac Effects of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors: Efficacy and Safety Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2023 08; 37(4):793-806. . View in PubMed

Invasive versus Conservative Management in Coronary Artery Disease Clin Med Res. 2023 06; 21(2):95-104. . View in PubMed

Marijuana and electronic cigarettes on cardiac arrhythmias Heart Rhythm. 2023 01; 20(1):87-88. . View in PubMed

Effects of Electronic Cigarette Exposure on Myocardial Infarction and No-Reflow, and Cardiac Function in a Rat Model J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2023 Jan-Dec; 28:10742484231155992. . View in PubMed

Effect of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors on major adverse cardiovascular events and overall mortality in a large nationwide cohort of men with erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular risk factors: A retrospective, observational study based on healthcare claims and national death index data J Sex Med. 2023 01 14; 20(1):38-48. . View in PubMed

Resting heart rate (variability) and cognition relationships reveal cognitively healthy individuals with pathological amyloid/tau ratio Front Epidemiol. 2023; 3. . View in PubMed

The connection between heart rate variability (HRV), neurological health, and cognition: A literature review Front Neurosci. 2023; 17:1055445. . View in PubMed

One Acute Exposure to E-Cigarette Smoke Using Various Heating Elements and Power Levels Induces Pulmonary Inflammation Cardiol Res. 2022 Dec; 13(6):323-332. . View in PubMed

Effects of OP2113 on Myocardial Infarct Size and No Reflow in a Rat Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Model Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2022 04; 36(2):217-227. . View in PubMed

Analysis of integrated clinical safety data of tadalafil in patients receiving concomitant antihypertensive medications J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2022 02; 24(2):167-178. . View in PubMed

Gabrb3 endothelial cell-specific knockout mice display abnormal blood flow, hypertension, and behavioral dysfunction Sci Rep. 2022 03 22; 12(1):4922. . View in PubMed

Update on Cardioprotective Strategies for STEMI: Focus on Supersaturated Oxygen Delivery JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2021 Dec; 6(12):1021-1033. . View in PubMed

Scalability of cardiovascular intrinsic frequencies: Validations in preclinical models and non-invasive clinical studies Life Sci. 2021 Nov 01; 284:119880. . View in PubMed

Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-COVID-2 Syndrome: Just the Beginning Cardiol Res. 2021 Oct; 12(5):279-285. . View in PubMed

Cardiovascular Health and Disease in the Context of COVID-19 Cardiol Res. 2021 Apr; 12(2):67-79. . View in PubMed

Task switching reveals abnormal brain-heart electrophysiological signatures in cognitively healthy individuals with abnormal CSF amyloid/tau, a pilot study Int J Psychophysiol. 2021 12; 170:102-111. . View in PubMed

Treating Acute Myocardial Infarctions With Anti-Inflammatory Agents J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2021 11; 26(6):736-738. . View in PubMed

Cardiac MRI to Visualize Myocardial Damage after ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Review of Its Histologic Validation Radiology. 2021 10; 301(1):4-18. . View in PubMed

Viral myocarditis: 1917-2020: From the Influenza A to the COVID-19 pandemics Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2021 04; 31(3):163-169. . View in PubMed

Emergency Medical Services Responses to Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Suspected ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Los Angeles County J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 06 15; 10(12):e019635. . View in PubMed

E-Cigarettes and Cardiopulmonary Health Function (Oxf). 2021; 2(2):zqab004. . View in PubMed

Therapeutic Hypothermia Improves Long-Term Survival and Blunts Inflammation in Rats During Resuscitation of Hemorrhagic Shock Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag. 2020 Dec; 10(4):237-243. . View in PubMed

Acute administration of nicotine induces transient elevation of blood pressure and increases myocardial infarct size in rats Heliyon. 2020 Nov; 6(11):e05450. . View in PubMed

Editorial commentary: Continuing concerns about the cardiovascular safety of marijuana Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2020 07; 30(5):308-309. . View in PubMed

Different Effects of Volatile and Nonvolatile Anesthetic Agents on Long-Term Survival in an Experimental Model of Hemorrhagic Shock J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2020 07; 25(4):346-353. . View in PubMed

Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Acute Myocardial Infarction and Shock States J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2020 03; 25(2):103-109. . View in PubMed

Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium: Where Are We Nearly 4 Decades Later? J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 02 04; 9(3):e015502.. View in PubMed

Pathophysiology and diagnosis of coronary microvascular dysfunction in ST-elevation myocardial infarction Cardiovasc Res. 2020 03 01; 116(4):787-805. . View in PubMed

Medical Marijuana, Recreational Cannabis, and Cardiovascular Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Circulation. 2020 09 08; 142(10):e131-e152. . View in PubMed

E-cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury Produced in an Animal Model From Electronic Cigarette Vapor Exposure Without Tetrahydrocannabinol or Vitamin E Oil J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 09 15; 9(18):e017368. . View in PubMed

The association of nadir CD4-T cell count and endothelial dysfunction in a healthy HIV cohort without major cardiovascular risk factors SAGE Open Med. 2020; 8:2050312120924892. . View in PubMed

Coronary artery calcium testing: A call for universal coverage Prev Med Rep. 2019 Sep; 15:100879. . View in PubMed

Myocardial hypothermia induced after reperfusion does not prevent adverse left ventricular remodeling nor improve cardiac function Life Sci. 2019 Jul 15; 229:98-103. . View in PubMed

The Brain-Heart Connection and the Northridge Earthquake Cardiol Rev. 2019 Jul/Aug; 27(4):171-172. . View in PubMed

Cardiovascular effects of marijuana Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2019 10; 29(7):403-407. . View in PubMed

Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management of the No-Reflow Phenomenon Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2019 10; 33(5):589-597. . View in PubMed

Lessons learned about stress and the heart after major earthquakes Am Heart J. 2019 09; 215:20-26. . View in PubMed

Potential for stem cell-derived biologic pumps for cardiovascular and other medical therapies Regen Med. 2019 07; 14(7):617-619. . View in PubMed

The pharmacist's role in improving the treatment of erectile dysfunction and its underlying causes Res Social Adm Pharm. 2019 05; 15(5):591-599. . View in PubMed

Do We Need Potent Intravenous Antiplatelet Inhibition at the Time of Reperfusion During ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction? J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2019 05; 24(3):215-224.. View in PubMed

Beyond Reperfusion: Acute Ventricular Unloading and Cardioprotection During Myocardial Infarction J Cardiovasc Transl Res. 2019 04; 12(2):95-106. . View in PubMed

Improved Long-term Survival with Remote Limb Ischemic Preconditioning in a Rat Fixed-Pressure Hemorrhagic Shock Model Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2019 04; 33(2):139-147. . View in PubMed

A Thank You From the Editor-in-Chief J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2019 01; 24(1):90-91. . View in PubMed

Proceedings of the 3rd annual Acute Cardiac Unloading and REcovery (A-CURE) symposium BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2019 02 07; 19(Suppl 2):27. . View in PubMed

Effect of Patiromer in Hyperkalemic Patients Taking and Not Taking RAAS Inhibitors J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2018 11; 23(6):524-531. . View in PubMed

Cardiovascular Safety of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors After Nearly 2 Decades on the Market Sex Med Rev. 2018 10; 6(4):583-594. . View in PubMed

A New Perspective on the Nitrate-Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitor Interaction J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2018 09; 23(5):375-386. . View in PubMed

No-Reflow PhenomenonA New Target for Therapy of Acute Myocardial Infarction Independent of Myocardial Infarct Size. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2018 05; 23(3):273-276. . View in PubMed

Cardiorenal Safety of OTC Analgesics J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2018 03; 23(2):103-118. . View in PubMed

No-reflow phenomenon in the heart and brain Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2018 09 01; 315(3):H550-H562. . View in PubMed

Guidelines for experimental models of myocardial ischemia and infarction Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2018 04 01; 314(4):H812-H838. . View in PubMed

The Case for Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (Syndrome) as a Variant of Acute Myocardial Infarction Circulation. 2018 08 28; 138(9):855-857. . View in PubMed

Acute and Subacute Triggers of Cardiovascular Events Am J Cardiol. 2018 12 15; 122(12):2157-2165. . View in PubMed

New and revisited approaches to preserving the reperfused myocardium Nat Rev Cardiol. 2017 Nov; 14(11):679-693. . View in PubMed

Therapeutic Hypothermia Reduces the Inflammatory Response Following Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rat Hearts Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag. 2017 Sep; 7(3):162-170. . View in PubMed

The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 Jul 04; 70(1):101-113. . View in PubMed

Noninvasive iPhone Measurement of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Using Intrinsic Frequency Methodology Crit Care Med. 2017 Jul; 45(7):1115-1120. . View in PubMed

Delayed therapeutic hypothermia protects against the myocardial no-reflow phenomenon independently of myocardial infarct size in a rat ischemia/reperfusion model Int J Cardiol. 2017 Jun 01; 236:400-404. . View in PubMed

Heart Failure-Induced Brain Injury J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 Mar 28; 69(12):1609-1616. . View in PubMed

Cardioprotection: Where to from here? Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2017 Feb; 31(1):53-61.. View in PubMed

The Oxygen Paradox, the French Paradox, and age-related diseases Geroscience. 2017 12; 39(5-6):499-550. . View in PubMed

The authors reply Crit Care Med. 2017 11; 45(11):e1201-e1202. . View in PubMed

Mitochondrial Protective Agents for Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2017 09; 10(9). . View in PubMed

Angina and Its Management J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2017 05; 22(3):199-209. . View in PubMed

Management of No-Reflow Phenomenon in the Catheterization Laboratory JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2017 02 13; 10(3):215-223. . View in PubMed

The importance of no-reflow/microvascular obstruction in the STEMI patient Eur Heart J. 2017 12 14; 38(47):3511-3513. . View in PubMed

Targeting reperfusion injury in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: trials and tribulations Eur Heart J. 2017 04 01; 38(13):935-941. . View in PubMed

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: New Data on Efficacy and Cardiovascular Safety J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Jan; 22(1):54-55. . View in PubMed

Cardioprotective Effects of Mitochondria-Targeted Peptide SBT-20 in two Different Models of Rat Ischemia/Reperfusion Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2016 Dec; 30(6):559-566. . View in PubMed

EMBRACE STEMI study: a Phase 2a trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of intravenous MTP-131 on reperfusion injury in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention Eur Heart J. 2016 Apr 21; 37(16):1296-303. . View in PubMed

Remote Ischemic Conditioning: Its Benefits and Limitations J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Mar; 21(2):219-21. . View in PubMed

Testosterone and Cardiovascular Disease J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Feb 09; 67(5):545-57. . View in PubMed

Letter to the editor response Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2016 Feb; 26(2):203. . View in PubMed

Cardiovascular Effects of Marijuana J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2016 09; 21(5):452-5. . View in PubMed

Approaches to Improving Cardiac Structure and Function During and After an Acute Myocardial Infarction: Acute and Chronic Phases J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2016 07; 21(4):363-7. . View in PubMed

Reply: Testosterone and Cardiac Diastolic Function J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 08 02; 68(5):574-575. . View in PubMed

Intravenous Beta-Blockade for Limiting Myocardial Infarct Size: Rejuvenation of a Concept J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 05 10; 67(18):2105-2107. . View in PubMed

Relation of Left Ventricular Mass and Infarct Size in Anterior Wall ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction (from the EMBRACE STEMI Clinical Trial) Am J Cardiol. 2016 09 01; 118(5):625-31. . View in PubMed

Bendavia restores mitochondrial energy metabolism gene expression and suppresses cardiac fibrosis in the border zone of the infarcted heart Life Sci. 2015 Nov 15; 141:170-8. . View in PubMed

Relation of Total and Cardiovascular Death Rates to Climate System, Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Respiratory Infection Am J Cardiol. 2015 Oct 15; 116(8):1290-7. . View in PubMed

Cardiovascular consequences of cocaine use Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2015 Aug; 25(6):517-26. . View in PubMed

Rapid Surface Cooling by ThermoSuit System Dramatically Reduces Scar Size, Prevents Post-Infarction Adverse Left Ventricular Remodeling, and Improves Cardiac Function in Rats J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 Jun 26; 4(7). . View in PubMed

The safety and efficacy of peripheral vascular procedures performed in the outpatient setting J Invasive Cardiol. 2015 May; 27(5):243-9. . View in PubMed

Rapid Induction of Hypothermia by the ThermoSuit System Profoundly Reduces Infarct Size and Anatomic Zone of No Reflow Following Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rabbit and Rat Hearts J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Mar; 20(2):193-202. . View in PubMed

Testosterone and Cardiovascular Health: Safety of Treatment of Hypogonadism Sex Med Rev. 2015 Mar; 3(1):56-62. . View in PubMed

New observations regarding post-ischemia/reperfusion myocardial swelling J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Feb 03; 65(4):324-326. . View in PubMed

New therapies for reducing post-myocardial left ventricular remodeling Ann Transl Med. 2015 Feb; 3(2):20. . View in PubMed

Does sex influence the incidence or severity of reperfusion-induced cardiac arrhythmias? Springerplus. 2015; 4:96.. View in PubMed

Rebuilding the infarcted heart with noncellular material Regen Med. 2015; 10(6):683-5. . View in PubMed

Dabigatran treatment: effects on infarct size and the no-reflow phenomenon in a model of acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2015 Jan; 39(1):50-4. . View in PubMed

Bendavia, a mitochondria-targeting peptide, improves postinfarction cardiac function, prevents adverse left ventricular remodeling, and restores mitochondria-related gene expression in rats J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2014 Dec; 64(6):543-53. . View in PubMed

Hypothermia in the setting of experimental acute myocardial infarction: a comprehensive review Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag. 2014 Dec; 4(4):159-67. . View in PubMed

Combined remote perconditioning and postconditioning failed to attenuate infarct size and contractile dysfunction in a rat model of coronary artery occlusion J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Nov; 19(6):567-73. . View in PubMed

Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2014 Oct; 28(5):469-75. . View in PubMed

Is hypothermia or the salvage kinase pathway involved? Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2014 Aug; 28(4):295-301.. View in PubMed

The Therapeutic Effect of Cell Transplantation Versus Noncellular Biomaterial Implantation on Cardiac Structure and Function Following Myocardial Infarction J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Jul; 19(4):350-357. . View in PubMed

Functional and histological assessment of an experimental model of Takotsubo's cardiomyopathy J Am Heart Assoc. 2014 Jun 23; 3(3):e000921. . View in PubMed

A systematic review of the association between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease Eur Urol. 2014 May; 65(5):968-78. . View in PubMed

Recreational marijuana use: is it safe for your patient? J Am Heart Assoc. 2014 Apr 23; 3(2):e000904.. View in PubMed

All men with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction require a cardiovascular workup Am J Med. 2014 Mar; 127(3):174-82. . View in PubMed

Adverse cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and peripheral vascular effects of marijuana inhalation: what cardiologists need to know Am J Cardiol. 2014 Jan 01; 113(1):187-90. . View in PubMed

Reduction of early reperfusion injury with the mitochondria-targeting peptide bendavia J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Jan; 19(1):121-32. . View in PubMed

Improved myocardial perfusion after transmyocardial laser revascularization in a patient with microvascular coronary artery disease SAGE Open Med Case Rep. 2014; 2:2050313X14526873. . View in PubMed

Testosterone and the cardiovascular system: a comprehensive review of the clinical literature J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Nov 15; 2(6):e000272. . View in PubMed

The assessment of vascular risk in men with erectile dysfunction: the role of the cardiologist and general physician Int J Clin Pract. 2013 Nov; 67(11):1163-72. . View in PubMed

Efficacy and safety of ranolazine in patients with chronic stable angina Postgrad Med. 2013 Nov; 125(6):43-52. . View in PubMed

Super Bowl outcome's association with cardiovascular death Clin Res Cardiol. 2013 Nov; 102(11):807-11. . View in PubMed

Role of protein kinase C in ischemic "conditioning": from first evidence to current perspectives J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Nov; 18(6):525-32. . View in PubMed

Current state of clinical translation of cardioprotective agents for acute myocardial infarction Circ Res. 2013 Aug 02; 113(4):451-63. . View in PubMed

Remote ischemic preconditioning for coronary artery bypass graft operations Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 Aug; 96(2):727-36. . View in PubMed

Can myocardial infarct size be reduced by mechanically unloading the left ventricle? Circulation. 2013 Jul 23; 128(4):318-21.. View in PubMed

Testosterone and the cardiovascular system: a comprehensive review of the basic science literature J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Jul 10; 2(4):e000271. . View in PubMed

Diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction for reduction of cardiovascular risk J Urol. 2013 Jun; 189(6):2031-8. . View in PubMed

Sexual function in patients with chronic angina pectoris Am J Cardiol. 2013 Jun 01; 111(11):1671-6. . View in PubMed

Intramyocardial injection of heart tissue-derived extracellular matrix improves postinfarction cardiac function in rats J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2013 May; 18(3):270-9. . View in PubMed

A brief review of useful tips for publishing your scientific manuscript J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2013 May; 18(3):197-8. . View in PubMed

Rationale and design of the EMBRACE STEMI study: a phase 2a, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of intravenous Bendavia on reperfusion injury in patients treated with standard therapy including primary percutaneous coronary intervention and stenting for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctionAm Heart J. 2013 Apr; 165(4):509-514. e7. . View in PubMed

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors improve endothelial function and may benefit cardiovascular conditions Am J Med. 2013 Mar; 126(3):192-9. . View in PubMed

Delayed treatment with hypothermia protects against the no-reflow phenomenon despite failure to reduce infarct size J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Jan 04; 2(1):e004234. . View in PubMed

Continuous heliox breathing and the extent of anatomic zone of noreflow and necrosis following ischemia/reperfusion in the rabbit heart Open Cardiovasc Med J. 2013; 8:1-5. . View in PubMed

The small molecule Wnt signaling modulator ICG-001 improves contractile function in chronically infarcted rat myocardium PLoS One. 2013; 8(9):e75010. . View in PubMed

Experience from experimental cell transplantation therapy of myocardial infarction: what have we learned? Cell Transplant. 2013; 22(3):563-8.. View in PubMed

The effect of acute versus delayed remote ischemic preconditioning on reperfusion induced ventricular arrhythmias J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2012 Dec; 23(12):1374-83. . View in PubMed

Absence of actions of commonly used Chinese herbal medicines and electroacupuncture on myocardial infarct size J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Dec; 17(4):403-11. . View in PubMed

An apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 inhibitor reduces cardiomyocyte apoptosis and infarct size in a rat ischemia-reperfusion model J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2012 Sep; 60(3):276-82. . View in PubMed

The Princeton III Consensus recommendations for the management of erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Aug; 87(8):766-78. . View in PubMed

Devices to treat peripheral chronic total occlusions J Interv Cardiol. 2012 Aug; 25(4):395-403. . View in PubMed

Therapeutic hypothermia for acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest Am J Cardiol. 2012 Aug 01; 110(3):461-6. . View in PubMed

Unusual substrate underlying Brugada syndrome and early repolarization syndrome revealed in unusual circadian and seasonal patterns J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2012 Jul; 23(7):764-5. . View in PubMed

Prognostic utility of erectile dysfunction for cardiovascular disease in younger men and those with diabetes Am Heart J. 2012 Jul; 164(1):21-8. . View in PubMed

Emotional stressors trigger cardiovascular events Int J Clin Pract. 2012 Jul; 66(7):631-9. . View in PubMed

Reduction of ischemia/reperfusion injury with bendavia, a mitochondria-targeting cytoprotective Peptide J Am Heart Assoc. 2012 Jun; 1(3):e001644. . View in PubMed

Treating peripheral arterial disease percutaneously with atherectomy J Invasive Cardiol. 2012 Jun; 24(6):263-9. . View in PubMed

How the 2008 stock market crash and seasons affect total and cardiac deaths in Los Angeles County Am J Cardiol. 2012 May 15; 109(10):1445-8. . View in PubMed

Coronary no reflow J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2012 Apr; 52(4):873-82. . View in PubMed

Treating Refractory Cardiogenic Shock With the TandemHeart and Impella Devices: A Single Center Experience Cardiol Res. 2012 Apr; 3(2):54-66. . View in PubMed

Is inhibition of phosphodiesterase type 5 by sildenafil a promising therapy for volume-overload heart failure? Circulation. 2012 Mar 20; 125(11):1341-3.. View in PubMed

An update on cardioprotection: a review of the latest adjunctive therapies to limit myocardial infarction size in clinical trials J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Mar 13; 59(11):969-78. . View in PubMed

Sexual activity and cardiovascular disease: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Circulation. 2012 Feb 28; 125(8):1058-72. . View in PubMed

Cardiac uses of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Jan 03; 59(1):9-15. . View in PubMed

Genetically Engineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells Influence Gene Expression in Donor Cardiomyocytes and the Recipient Heart J Stem Cell Res Ther. 2012; S1. . View in PubMed

Bone marrow-derived cell transplantation therapy for myocardial infarction: lessons learned and future questions Am J Transplant. 2011 Nov; 11(11):2297-301. . View in PubMed

Rotational Atherectomy and Stent Implantation for Calcified Left Main Lesions Cardiol Res. 2011 Oct; 2(5):208-217. . View in PubMed

High-risk percutaneous coronary intervention with the TandemHeart and Impella devices: a single-center experience J Invasive Cardiol. 2011 Oct; 23(10):417-24. . View in PubMed

Investigational noncardiovascular uses of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2011 Oct; 12(15):2297-313. . View in PubMed

New horizons in cardioprotection: recommendations from the 2010 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop Circulation. 2011 Sep 06; 124(10):1172-9. . View in PubMed

State of the science of cardioprotection: Challenges and opportunities--proceedings of the 2010 NHLBI Workshop on Cardioprotection J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Sep-Dec; 16(3-4):223-32. . View in PubMed

No-reflow phenomenon: maintaining vascular integrity J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Sep-Dec; 16(3-4):244-50. . View in PubMed

Introduction to proceedings of the NHLBI workshop: New Horizons in cardioprotection--a focused issue of journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Sep-Dec; 16(3-4):222. . View in PubMed

The antianginal agent ranolazine is a potent antiarrhythmic agent that reduces ventricular arrhythmias: through a mechanism favoring inhibition of late sodium channel Cardiovasc Ther. 2011 Aug; 29(4):e36-41. . View in PubMed

Cardioprotection of insulin-like growth factor-1 during reperfusion therapy: what is the underlying mechanism or mechanisms? Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Aug; 4(4):311-3.. View in PubMed

Diannexin reduces no-reflow after reperfusion in rabbits with large ischemic myocardial risk zones Cardiovasc Ther. 2011 Aug; 29(4):e42-52. . View in PubMed

Mild hypothermia as a cardioprotective approach for acute myocardial infarction: laboratory to clinical application J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Jun; 16(2):131-9. . View in PubMed

First direct comparison of the late sodium current blocker ranolazine to established antiarrhythmic agents in an ischemia/reperfusion model J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Jun; 16(2):192-6. . View in PubMed

Cardiology patient page: cardiovascular implications of erectile dysfunction Circulation. 2011 May 31; 123(21):e609-11. . View in PubMed

Rotational atherectomy in the drug-eluting stent era: a single-center experience J Invasive Cardiol. 2011 Apr; 23(4):133-9. . View in PubMed

The combined administration of multiple soluble factors in the repair of chronically infarcted rat myocardium J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2011 Mar; 57(3):282-6. . View in PubMed

Potential role of renin-angiotensin system blockade for preventing myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and remodeling after myocardial infarction Postgrad Med. 2011 Mar; 123(2):49-55. . View in PubMed

Role of age, sex, and race on cardiac and total mortality associated with Super Bowl wins and losses Clin Cardiol. 2011 Feb; 34(2):102-7. . View in PubMed

Clinical cardiology: physician update: erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease Circulation. 2011 Jan 04; 123(1):98-101. . View in PubMed

Left ventricular remodeling in the post-infarction heart: a review of cellular, molecular mechanisms, and therapeutic modalities Heart Fail Rev. 2011 Jan; 16(1):13-21. . View in PubMed

Cardiovascular effects of cocaine Circulation. 2010 Dec 14; 122(24):2558-69. . View in PubMed

Review of vascular closure devices J Invasive Cardiol. 2010 Dec; 22(12):599-607. . View in PubMed

Effects of zoledronate in the repair of chronically infarcted rat myocardium J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2010 Dec; 56(6):604-9. . View in PubMed

Sporting events affect spectators' cardiovascular mortality: it is not just a game Am J Med. 2010 Nov; 123(11):972-7. . View in PubMed

No-reflow phenomenon following percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction: incidence, outcome, and effect of pharmacologic therapy J Interv Cardiol. 2010 Oct; 23(5):429-36. . View in PubMed

Blood supply of the graft after cellular cardiomyoplasty Regen Med. 2010 Sep; 5(5):777-86. . View in PubMed

Influenza-related viral myocarditis WMJ. 2010 Aug; 109(4):209-13. . View in PubMed

Stem cells for the treatment of heart failure Curr Opin Mol Ther. 2010 Aug; 12(4):432-41. . View in PubMed

Comparison of automated oscillometric versus auscultatory blood pressure measurement Am J Cardiol. 2010 Aug 01; 106(3):386-8. . View in PubMed

Drug interactions with phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction or pulmonary hypertension Circulation. 2010 Jul 06; 122(1):88-95. . View in PubMed

Erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease prediction: evidence-based guidance and consensus Int J Clin Pract. 2010 Jun; 64(7):848-57. . View in PubMed

Improving regenerating potential of the heart after myocardial infarction: factor-based approach Life Sci. 2010 Mar 27; 86(13-14):461-72. . View in PubMed

The endothelial cell in health and disease: its function, dysfunction, measurement and therapy Int J Impot Res. 2010 Mar-Apr; 22(2):77-90. . View in PubMed

Cardioprotection with adenosine-regulating agent, GP531: effects on no-reflow, infarct size, and blood flow following ischemia/ reperfusion in the rabbit J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Mar; 15(1):60-7. . View in PubMed

Ranolazine: an anti-anginal drug with further therapeutic potential Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2010 Mar; 8(3):319-29. . View in PubMed

Experimental cell transplantation therapy in rat myocardial infarction model including nude rat preparation Methods Mol Biol. 2010; 660:99-109. . View in PubMed

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Postconditioning markedly attenuates ventricular arrhythmias after ischemia-reperfusion J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2006 Mar; 11(1):55-63. . View in PubMed

Molecular aspects of ischemic heart disease: ischemia/reperfusion-induced genetic changes and potential applications of gene and RNA interference therapy J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2006 Mar; 11(1):17-30. . View in PubMed

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Sexual dysfunction and cardiac risk (the Second Princeton Consensus Conference) Am J Cardiol. 2005 Dec 26; 96(12B):85M-93M. . View in PubMed

Pharmacology and drug interaction effects of the phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors: focus on alpha-blocker interactions Am J Cardiol. 2005 Dec 26; 96(12B):42M-46M. . View in PubMed

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The combined use of ibutilide as an active control with intensive electrocardiographic sampling and signal averaging as a sensitive method to assess the effects of tadalafil on the human QT interval J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 Aug 16; 46(4):678-87. . View in PubMed

Thickening of the infarcted wall by collagen injection improves left ventricular function in rats: a novel approach to preserve cardiac function after myocardial infarction J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 Aug 16; 46(4):714-9. . View in PubMed

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A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled multicenter trial of adenosine as an adjunct to reperfusion in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AMISTAD-II) J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 Jun 07; 45(11):1775-80. . View in PubMed

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Metabolic mechanism by which mild regional hypothermia preserves ischemic tissue J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2004 Jun; 9(2):83-90. . View in PubMed

Effects of adenosine and verapamil on anatomic no-reflow in a rabbit model of coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2004 Apr; 43(4):580-8. . View in PubMed

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The gap junction uncoupler heptanol abrogates infarct size reduction with preconditioning in mouse hearts Cardiovasc Pathol. 2002 May-Jun; 11(3):158-65. . View in PubMed

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Proteasome-mediated degradation of the coactivator p300 impairs cardiac transcription Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Dec; 20(23):8643-54. . View in PubMed

What is the required reperfusion period for assessment of myocardial infarct size using triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining in the rat? J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2000 Oct; 10(2):181-7.. View in PubMed

Case 6: Renovascular hypertension Am J Cardiol. 2000 Aug 01; 86(3):368-9. . View in PubMed

Management of sexual dysfunction in patients with cardiovascular disease: recommendations of the Princeton Consensus Panel Am J Cardiol. 2000 Jul 20; 86(2A):62F-68F. . View in PubMed

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Management of sexual dysfunction in patients with cardiovascular disease: recommendations of The Princeton Consensus Panel Am J Cardiol. 2000 Jul 15; 86(2):175-81. . View in PubMed

Case 5: hypertension and coronary artery disease Am J Cardiol. 2000 Apr 15; 85(8):1039-40. . View in PubMed

Case 4: A patient with systemic hypertension and congestive heart failure Am J Cardiol. 2000 Apr 01; 85(7):917-8A10. . View in PubMed

Evaluation of the effects of intramyocardial injection of DNA expressing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in a myocardial infarction model in the rat--angiogenesis and angioma formation J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000 Apr; 35(5):1323-30. . View in PubMed

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Biphasic survival response to amlodipine after myocardial infarction in rats: Association with cardiac vascular remodeling Cardiovasc Pathol. 2000 Mar-Apr; 9(2):85-93. . View in PubMed

Case 3: A patient with systemic hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy Am J Cardiol. 2000 Feb 15; 85(4):522. . View in PubMed

Case 2: a patient with systemic hypertension and diabetes mellitus Am J Cardiol. 2000 Jan 15; 85(2):273. . View in PubMed

Histologic signatures of thermal injury: applications in transmyocardial laser revascularization and radiofrequency ablation Lasers Surg Med. 2000; 27(4):305-18. . View in PubMed

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A new model of ventricular plication: a suturing technique to decrease left ventricular dimensions, improve contractility, and attenuate ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction in the rat heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2000 Jan; 5(1):41-9. . View in PubMed

Case 1: isolated systolic hypertension Am J Cardiol. 1999 Dec 15; 84(12):1452. . View in PubMed

Circulation. 1999 Oct 12; 100(15):1630-4. . View in PubMed

Cardiovascular effects of sildenafil citrate and recommendations for its use Am J Cardiol. 1999 Sep 09; 84(5B):11N-17N. . View in PubMed

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Role of calcium? Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1999 Jun 30; 874:192-210.. View in PubMed

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Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty as a model of ischemic preconditioning and preconditioning-mimetic drugs J Am Coll Cardiol. 1999 Mar 15; 33(4):1036-9. . View in PubMed

Myocardial hypothermia: a potential therapeutic technique for acute regional myocardial ischemia J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 1999 Mar; 10(3):405-13. . View in PubMed

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Pharmacological manipulation of Ins(1,4,5)P3 signaling mimics preconditioning in rabbit heart Am J Physiol. 1999 12; 277(6):H2458-69. . View in PubMed

Ischemic preconditioning and myocardial hypothermia in rabbits with prolonged coronary artery occlusion Am J Physiol. 1999 06; 276(6):H2029-34. . View in PubMed

Myocardial temperature reduction attenuates necrosis after prolonged ischemia in rabbits Cardiovasc Res. 1998 Dec; 40(3):502-7. . View in PubMed

Evaluation of cardiac structures and function in small experimental animals: transthoracic, transesophageal, and intraventricular echocardiography to assess contractile function in rat heart Basic Res Cardiol. 1998 Dec; 93(6):477-86. . View in PubMed

Role of protein kinase C as a cellular mediator of ischemic preconditioning: a critical review Cardiovasc Res. 1998 Oct; 40(1):9-22. . View in PubMed

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A small animal model of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and its evaluation by transthoracic echocardiography Cardiovasc Res. 1998 Jul; 39(1):216-23. . View in PubMed

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Ischemic preconditioning: exploring the paradox Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 1998 May-Jun; 40(6):517-47. . View in PubMed

Temporal changes in the subcellular distribution of protein kinase C in rabbit heart during global ischemia Basic Res Cardiol. 1998 Apr; 93(2):122-6. . View in PubMed

Ischemic preconditioning: the issues of refractoriness and tolerance J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998 Apr; 31(5):1150-1. . View in PubMed

Prospective temporal analysis of the onset of preinfarction angina versus outcome: an ancillary study in TIMI-9B Circulation. 1998 Mar 24; 97(11):1042-5. . View in PubMed

Brief antecedent ischemia attenuates platelet-mediated thrombosis in damaged and stenotic canine coronary arteries: role of adenosine Circulation. 1998 Feb 24; 97(7):692-702. . View in PubMed

Safety of long-acting dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers in hypertensive patients Am J Cardiol. 1998 Jan 15; 81(2):163-9. . View in PubMed

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Population-based analysis of the effect of the Northridge Earthquake on cardiac death in Los Angeles County, California J Am Coll Cardiol. 1997 Nov 01; 30(5):1174-80. . View in PubMed

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Ischemic preconditioning at a distance: reduction of myocardial infarct size by partial reduction of blood supply combined with rapid stimulation of the gastrocnemius muscle in the rabbit Circulation. 1997 Sep 02; 96(5):1641-6. . View in PubMed

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Disparate effects of preconditioning and MLA on 5'-NT and adenosine levels during coronary occlusion Am J Physiol. 1997 Aug; 273(2 Pt 2):H945-51. . View in PubMed

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Changes in R wave amplitude: ECG differentiation between episodes of reocclusion and reperfusion associated with ST-segment elevation J Electrocardiol. 1997 Jul; 30(3):211-6. . View in PubMed

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Characterization of collagen by high-frequency ultrasound: evidence for different acoustic properties based on collagen fiber morphologic characteristics Am Heart J. 1997 Mar; 133(3):364-8. . View in PubMed

Differences in reperfusion length following 30 minutes of ischemia in the rabbit influence infarct size, as measured by triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1997 Feb; 29(2):657-66. . View in PubMed

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The issue of the cardiovascular safety of dihydropyridines Am J Hypertens. 1996 Dec; 9(12 Pt 2):182S-186S. . View in PubMed

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beta-Estradiol, but not alpha-estradiol, reduced myocardial necrosis in rabbits after ischemia and reperfusion Am Heart J. 1996 Aug; 132(2 Pt 1):258-62. . View in PubMed

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Is preconditioning by nicotine responsible for the better prognosis in smokers with acute myocardial infarction? Basic Res Cardiol. 1996 May-Jun; 91(3):240-7.. View in PubMed

The open artery hypothesis: to open, or not to open, that is the question Eur Heart J. 1996 Apr; 17(4):505-9. . View in PubMed

Sex- and age-related antihypertensive effects of amlodipineThe Amlodipine Cardiovascular Community Trial Study Group. Am J Cardiol. 1996 Apr 01; 77(9):713-22. . View in PubMed

Treatment of viral myocarditis with focus on captopril Am J Cardiol. 1996 Mar 15; 77(8):634-7. . View in PubMed

Benefits of late coronary artery reperfusion on infarct expansion progressively diminish over time: relation to viable islets of myocytes within the scar Am Heart J. 1996 Mar; 131(3):451-7. . View in PubMed

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Transmural channels can protect ischemic tissueAssessment of long-term myocardial response to laser- and needle-made channels. Circulation. 1996 Jan 01; 93(1):143-52. . View in PubMed

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An experimental model examining the role of magnesium in the therapy of acute myocardial infarction Am J Cardiol. 1995 Jun 15; 75(17):1292-3. . View in PubMed

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Effects of previous angina pectoris in patients with first acute myocardial infarction not receiving thrombolyticsMILIS Study Group. Multicenter Investigation of the Limitation of Infarct Size. Am J Cardiol. 1995 Mar 15; 75(8):615-7. . View in PubMed

Quantitative two-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of regional wall motion during transient ischemia and reperfusion in the rat J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 1995 Mar-Apr; 8(2):162-74. . View in PubMed

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Acute cocaine administration induces ventricular regional wall motion and ultrastructural abnormalities in an anesthetized rabbit model Am Heart J. 1994 Dec; 128(6 Pt 1):1117-29. . View in PubMed

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Stunning and angina Am J Cardiol. 1993 Dec 15; 72(18):1456. . View in PubMed

An adenosine A1 receptor agonist, R(-)-N-(2-phenylisopropyl)-adenosine (PIA), but not adenosine itself, acts as a therapeutic preconditioning-mimetic agent in rabbits Cardiovasc Res. 1993 Dec; 27(12):2140-5. . View in PubMed

Adenosine deaminase inhibition is not cardioprotective in the rat Am Heart J. 1993 Dec; 126(6):1293-8. . View in PubMed

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Calcium channel blockade during ischemia-reperfusion sequences J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1988 May; 20(5):457-9. . View in PubMed

Postischemic myocardial "stunning": a clinically relevant phenomenon Ann Intern Med. 1988 Apr; 108(4):626-8. . View in PubMed

Effect of verapamil on postischemic "stunned" myocardium: importance of the timing of treatment J Am Coll Cardiol. 1988 Mar; 11(3):614-23. . View in PubMed

Pentoxifylline does not reduce infarct size in a canine model of acute myocardial infarction Br J Pharmacol. 1988 Mar; 93(3):587-90. . View in PubMed

Functional infarct expansion, left ventricular dilation and isovolumic relaxation time after coronary occlusion: a two-dimensional echocardiographic study J Am Coll Cardiol. 1988 Mar; 11(3):630-6. . View in PubMed

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Effect of myocyte necrosis on strength, strain, and stiffness of isolated myocardial strips Am Heart J. 1987 Dec; 114(6):1349-59. . View in PubMed

Diastolic abnormalities of postischemic "stunned" myocardium Am J Cardiol. 1987 Nov 15; 60(14):1211-3. . View in PubMed

5-Fluorouracil cardiotoxicity: left ventricular dysfunction and effect of coronary vasodilators Am J Med Sci. 1987 Oct; 294(4):238-43. . View in PubMed

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Acute effects of hydralazine and enalapril on contractile function of postischemic "stunned" myocardium Am J Cardiol. 1987 Oct 01; 60(10):934-6. . View in PubMed

Effect of early coronary artery reperfusion on infarct development in a model of low collateral flow Cardiovasc Res. 1987 Sep; 21(9):668-73. . View in PubMed

Effect of milrinone on acute myocardial infarct size Am J Cardiol. 1987 Aug 01; 60(4):422-3. . View in PubMed

Effects of methylprednisolone on collagen biosynthesis in healing acute myocardial infarction Am J Cardiol. 1987 Aug 01; 60(4):424-5. . View in PubMed

Coronary reperfusion following experimental myocardial infarction J Card Surg. 1987 Jun; 2(2):291-7. . View in PubMed

The effect of digitalis on experimental myocardial infarct size and hemodynamics Am Heart J. 1987 Jun; 113(6):1353-5. . View in PubMed

Preservation of distal coronary perfusion during prolonged balloon inflation with an autoperfusion angioplasty catheter Circulation. 1987 Jun; 75(6):1273-80. . View in PubMed

Structural and metabolic correlates of cell injury in the hypertrophied myocardium during valve replacement J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1987 May; 93(5):741-54. . View in PubMed

Differential effects of reperfusion on incidence of ventricular arrhythmias and recovery of ventricular function at 4 days following coronary occlusion Am Heart J. 1987 May; 113(5):1055-65. . View in PubMed

Effect of oxygen-derived free radical scavengers on infarct size following six hours of permanent coronary artery occlusion: salvage or delay of myocyte necrosis? Basic Res Cardiol. 1987 Mar-Apr; 82(2):146-58.. View in PubMed

Analysis of reported randomized trials of streptokinase therapy for acute myocardial infarction in the 1980s Am J Cardiol. 1987 Mar 01; 59(6):501-4. . View in PubMed

Acute myocardial infarction: diagnostic and prognostic applications of two-dimensional echocardiography Circulation. 1987 Mar; 75(3):521-4. . View in PubMed

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Effect of verapamil on infarct size in dogs subjected to coronary artery occlusion with transient reperfusion J Am Coll Cardiol. 1986 Nov; 8(5):1169-74. . View in PubMed

Fluorescent microspheres: a new tool for visualization of ischemic myocardium in rats Am J Physiol. 1986 Oct; 251(4 Pt 2):H863-8. . View in PubMed

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Salvage of ischaemic myocardium by reperfusion: importance of collateral blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand during occlusion Cardiovasc Res. 1986 Jun; 20(6):403-14. . View in PubMed

Usefulness of intracoronary infusion of fluorocarbon distal to prolonged coronary occlusion by angioplasty balloon in dogs Am J Cardiol. 1986 May 01; 57(13):1202-5. . View in PubMed

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Superoxide dismutase plus catalase improve contractile function in the canine model of the "stunned myocardium" Circ Res. 1986 Jan; 58(1):148-56. . View in PubMed

Capillary anastomoses between the left anterior descending and circumflex circulations in the canine heart: possible importance during coronary artery occlusion Microvasc Res. 1986 Jan; 31(1):54-65. . View in PubMed

Triphenyltetrazolium staining of irreversible ischemic injury following coronary artery occlusion in rats Am J Pathol. 1985 Dec; 121(3):522-30. . View in PubMed

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Experimental and clinical observations on the efficacy of esmolol in myocardial ischemia Am J Cardiol. 1985 Oct 23; 56(11):40F-48F. . View in PubMed

Effect of intracoronary verapamil on infarct size in the ischemic, reperfused canine heart: critical importance of the timing of treatment Am J Cardiol. 1985 Oct 01; 56(10):672-7. . View in PubMed

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Relation between the transmural extent of acute myocardial infarction and associated myocardial contractility two weeks after infarction Am J Cardiol. 1985 May 01; 55(11):1412-6. . View in PubMed

The significance of the late fall in myocardial PCO2 and its relationship to myocardial pH after regional coronary occlusion in the dog Circ Res. 1985 Apr; 56(4):537-47. . View in PubMed

Effects of nisoldipine, a new calcium antagonist, on myocardial infarct size and cardiac dynamics following acute myocardial infarction J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1985 Mar-Apr; 7(2):361-7. . View in PubMed

Relation of early mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cell infiltration to late scar thickness after experimentally induced myocardial infarction in the rat Basic Res Cardiol. 1985 Mar-Apr; 80(2):202-9. . View in PubMed

Effects of transient increased afterload during experimentally induced acute myocardial infarction in dogs Am J Cardiol. 1985 Feb 15; 55(5):566-70. . View in PubMed

Mechanisms of myocardial ischemic preconditioning are age related: PKC-epsilon does not play a requisite role in old rabbits J Appl Physiol (1985). 2003 Dec; 95(6):2563-9. . View in PubMed

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Dissociation between two-dimensional echocardiographic left ventricular wall motion and myocardial salvage in early experimental acute myocardial infarction in dogs Am J Cardiol. 1984 Oct 01; 54(7):875-9. . View in PubMed

The effect of streptokinase on intramyocardial hemorrhage, infarct size, and the no-reflow phenomenon during coronary reperfusion Circulation. 1984 Sep; 70(3):513-21. . View in PubMed

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Correlates of reperfusion ventricular fibrillation in dogs Am J Cardiol. 1984 May 01; 53(9):1397-400. . View in PubMed

Heparin inhibits bovine testicular hyaluronidase activity in myocardium of dogs with coronary artery occlusion Am J Cardiol. 1984 Mar 15; 53(7):941-4. . View in PubMed

Drug-induced expansion of infarct: morphologic and functional correlations Circulation. 1984 Mar; 69(3):611-7. . View in PubMed

Morphologic and functional effects of piroxicam on myocardial scar formation after coronary occlusion in dogs Am J Cardiol. 1984 Feb 01; 53(4):604-7. . View in PubMed

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The effect of early exercise on myocardial infarct scar formation Am Heart J. 1983 Nov; 106(5 Pt 1):1009-13. . View in PubMed

Short-term exercise has a prolonged effect on scar formation after experimental acute myocardial infarction J Am Coll Cardiol. 1983 Nov; 2(5):979-82. . View in PubMed

Hydrogen peroxide contrast--enhanced two-dimensional echocardiography: real-time in vivo delineation of regional myocardial perfusion Circulation. 1983 Sep; 68(3):603-11. . View in PubMed

Effect of coronary reperfusion on myocardial hemorrhage and infarct healing Am J Cardiol. 1983 Sep 01; 52(5):610-4. . View in PubMed

A flow- and time-dependent index of ischemic injury after experimental coronary occlusion and reperfusion Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983 Sep; 80(18):5784-8. . View in PubMed

Time course of ischemic alterations during normothermic and hypothermic arrest and its reflection by on-line monitoring of tissue pH J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1983 Sep; 86(3):418-34. . View in PubMed

Interactions between coronary occlusion and the renin-angiotensin system in the dog Basic Res Cardiol. 1983 Sep-Oct; 78(5):518-33. . View in PubMed

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Dose-dependent effects of short-term methylprednisolone on myocardial infarct extent, scar formation, and ventricular function Circulation. 1983 Aug; 68(2):446-52. . View in PubMed

First ultra-short-acting beta-adrenergic blocking agent: its effect on size and segmental wall dynamics of reperfused myocardial infarcts in dogs Am J Cardiol. 1983 Jun; 51(10):1759-67. . View in PubMed

Quantitative detection of regional left ventricular contraction abnormalities by 2-dimensional echocardiographyComparison of myocardial thickening and thinning and endocardial motion in a canine model. Am J Cardiol. 1983 Jun; 51(10):1732-8. . View in PubMed

Indomethacin-induced scar thinning after experimental myocardial infarction Circulation. 1983 Jun; 67(6):1290-5. . View in PubMed

Effects of ortho-iodo sodium benzoate on acute myocardial ischemia, hemodynamic function, and infarct size after coronary artery occlusion in dogs Am J Cardiol. 1983 May 01; 51(8):1422-7. . View in PubMed

Time course of functional and biochemical recovery of myocardium salvaged by reperfusion J Am Coll Cardiol. 1983 Apr; 1(4):1047-55. . View in PubMed

Scar thinning due to ibuprofen administration after experimental myocardial infarction Am J Cardiol. 1983 Mar 01; 51(5):877-83. . View in PubMed

Topographic changes in the left ventricle after experimentally induced myocardial infarction in the rat Am J Cardiol. 1983 Mar 01; 51(5):872-6. . View in PubMed

Special notice Am J Physiol. 1983 Mar; 244(3):H470. . View in PubMed

Role of beta-adrenergic blockade in the therapy of patients with myocardial infarction Am J Med. 1983 Jan; 74(1):113-23. . View in PubMed

Coronary reperfusion for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction: postischemic ventricular dysfunction Cardiology. 1983; 70(5):233-46. . View in PubMed

The effect of perfluorocarbons on experimental myocardial ischemia and infarction Prog Clin Biol Res. 1983; 122:381-90. . View in PubMed

The stunned myocardium: prolonged, postischemic ventricular dysfunction Circulation. 1982 Dec; 66(6):1146-9. . View in PubMed

Retraction: border zone salvage by flurbiprofen Circulation. 1982 Nov; 66(5):1136. . View in PubMed

Withdrawal of 2 previously published reports Am J Cardiol. 1982 Oct; 50(4):929. . View in PubMed

Retraction of: Early recovery of regional performance in salvaged ischemic myocardium following coronary artery occlusion in the dog J Clin Invest. 1982 Oct; 70(4):following 915. . View in PubMed

Enhanced detection of the evolution of tissue changes after acute myocardial infarction using color-encoded two-dimensional echocardiography Circulation. 1982 Oct; 66(4):764-70. . View in PubMed

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Inosine: a protective agent in an organ culture model of myocardial ischemia Circ Res. 1982 Aug; 51(2):181-8. . View in PubMed

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Effects of intravenous fluorocarbons during and without oxygen enhancement on acute myocardial ischemic injury assessed by measurement of intramyocardial gas tensions Am Heart J. 1982 Jun; 103(6):986-95. . View in PubMed

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Autoradiographic method for measuring the ischemic myocardium at risk: effects of verapamil on infarct size aftr experimental coronary artery occlusion Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1980 Oct; 77(10):6119-23. . View in PubMed

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The cultured fetal mouse heart as a model for studying myocardial ischemic necrosis Exp Mol Pathol. 1980 Jun; 32(3):317-35. . View in PubMed

Intramural PCO2: a reliable index of the severity of myocardial ischemic injury Am J Physiol. 1979 Aug; 237(2):H253-9. . View in PubMed

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Assessment of the efficacy of interventions to limit ischemic injury by direct measurement of intramural carbon dioxide tension after coronary artery occlusion in the dog J Clin Invest. 1979 Jan; 63(1):99-107. . View in PubMed

Cellular electrophysiological marker of irreversible ischemic myocardial injury Am J Physiol. 1978 Nov; 235(5):H559-68. . View in PubMed

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