

Qilong Ying

Qilong Ying

Professor of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine
BCC 512 1425 San Pablo Street Health Sciences Campus Los Angeles

International Society for Stem Cell Research: McEwen Award for Innovation, 2016

University of Southern California: Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Award, 2011

Kcnh2 deletion is associated with rat embryonic development defects via destruction of KCNH2-integrin ß1 complex Int J Mol Med. 2024 02; 53(2). . View in PubMed

A novel chemical genetic approach reveals paralog-specific role of ERK1/2 in mouse embryonic stem cell fate control Front Cell Dev Biol. 2024; 12:1415621. . View in PubMed

Modeling kidney development, disease, and plasticity with clonal expandable nephron progenitor cells and nephron organoids bioRxiv. 2023 May 25. . View in PubMed

ERG1 plays an essential role in rat cardiomyocyte fate decision by mediating AKT signaling Stem Cells. 2021 04; 39(4):443-457. . View in PubMed

An optimized proliferation system of embryonic stem cells for generating the rat model with large fragment modification Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 09 24; 571:8-13. . View in PubMed

Laminin promotes differentiation of rat embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes by activating the integrin/FAK/PI3K p85 pathway J Cell Mol Med. 2019 05; 23(5):3629-3640. . View in PubMed

Cytoplasmic and Nuclear TAZ Exert Distinct Functions in Regulating Primed Pluripotency Stem Cell Reports. 2017 09 12; 9(3):732-741. . View in PubMed

The Art of Capturing Pluripotency: Creating the Right Culture Stem Cell Reports. 2017 06 06; 8(6):1457-1464. . View in PubMed

A Chemical-Genetic Approach Reveals the Distinct Roles of GSK3a and GSK3ß in Regulating Embryonic Stem Cell FateDev Cell. 2017 12 04; 43(5):563-576. e4. . View in PubMed

Breast Cancer MDA-MB-231 Cells Use Secreted Heat Shock Protein-90alpha (Hsp90a) to Survive a Hostile Hypoxic Environment Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 05; 6:20605. . View in PubMed

Wnt/ß-catenin and LIF-Stat3 signaling pathways converge on Sp5 to promote mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal J Cell Sci. 2016 Jan 15; 129(2):269-76. . View in PubMed

Efficient Assessment of Developmental, Surgical and Pathological Lymphangiogenesis Using a Lymphatic Reporter Mouse and Its Embryonic Stem Cells PLoS One. 2016; 11(6):e0157126. . View in PubMed

Stem cell maintenance by manipulating signaling pathways: past, current and future BMB Rep. 2015 Dec; 48(12):668-76. . View in PubMed

New insights into the conserved mechanism of pluripotency maintenance Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2015 Oct; 34:1-9. . View in PubMed

Klf2 and Tfcp2l1, Two Wnt/ß-Catenin Targets, Act Synergistically to Induce and Maintain Naive Pluripotency Stem Cell Reports. 2015 Sep 08; 5(3):314-22. . View in PubMed

The stromal genome heterogeneity between breast and prostate tumors revealed by a comparative transcriptomic analysis Oncotarget. 2015 Apr 20; 6(11):8687-97. . View in PubMed

Dual Function of Wnt Signaling during Neuronal Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Stem Cells Int. 2015; 2015:459301. . View in PubMed

Fluoxetine regulates neurogenesis in vitro through modulation of GSK-3ß/ß-catenin signaling Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 Dec 07; 18(5). . View in PubMed

Signaling pathways in induced naïve pluripotency Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2014 Oct; 28:10-5. . View in PubMed

Stat3 signaling regulates embryonic stem cell fate in a dose-dependent manner Biol Open. 2014 Sep 19; 3(10):958-65. . View in PubMed

STAT3 phosphorylation at tyrosine 705 and serine 727 differentially regulates mouse ESC fates Stem Cells. 2014 May; 32(5):1149-60. . View in PubMed

Embryonic stem cell self-renewal pathways converge on the transcription factor Tfcp2l1 EMBO J. 2013 Oct 02; 32(19):2548-60. . View in PubMed

p53 promotes inflammation-associated hepatocarcinogenesis by inducing HMGB1 release J Hepatol. 2013 Oct; 59(4):762-8. . View in PubMed

Induced neural stem cells generated from rat fibroblasts Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 2013 Oct; 11(5):312-9. . View in PubMed

DNA damage-induced sustained p53 activation contributes to inflammation-associated hepatocarcinogenesis in rats Oncogene. 2013 Sep 19; 32(38):4565-71. . View in PubMed

Gbx2, a LIF/Stat3 target, promotes reprogramming to and retention of the pluripotent ground state J Cell Sci. 2013 Mar 01; 126(Pt 5):1093-8. . View in PubMed

Modulation of ß-catenin function maintains mouse epiblast stem cell and human embryonic stem cell self-renewal Nat Commun. 2013; 4:2403. . View in PubMed

Rats deficient for p53 are susceptible to spontaneous and carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis Carcinogenesis. 2012 Oct; 33(10):2001-5. . View in PubMed

Rapid and cost-effective gene targeting in rat embryonic stem cells by TALENs J Genet Genomics. 2012 Jun 20; 39(6):275-80. . View in PubMed

Pleiotropy of glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibition by CHIR99021 promotes self-renewal of embryonic stem cells from refractory mouse strains PLoS One. 2012; 7(4):e35892. . View in PubMed

Genetic manipulations in the rat: progress and prospects Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2011 Jul; 20(4):391-9. . View in PubMed

Monoamine oxidase A regulates neural differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2011 Jul; 118(7):997-1001. . View in PubMed

Generating gene knockout rats by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells Nat Protoc. 2011 Jun; 6(6):827-44. . View in PubMed

Beyond knockout rats: new insights into finer genome manipulation in rats Cell Cycle. 2011 Apr 01; 10(7):1059-66. . View in PubMed

Production of p53 gene knockout rats by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells Nature. 2010 Sep 09; 467(7312):211-3. . View in PubMed

Germline competent embryonic stem cells derived from rat blastocysts Cell. 2008 Dec 26; 135(7):1299-310. . View in PubMed

The ground state of embryonic stem cell self-renewal Nature. 2008 May 22; 453(7194):519-23. . View in PubMed

[Isolation and purification of human neutrophil elastase] Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao. 1986 Oct; 8(5):376-81. . View in PubMed

Geographical variability of alpha-1-antitrypsin alleles in China: a study on six Chinese populations Hum Genet. 1985; 69(2):184-7. . View in PubMed

Alpha-1-antitrypsin types in five Chinese national minorities Hum Genet. 1985; 71(3):225-6. . View in PubMed

The gene frequency of serum albumin variants in Chinese and the electrophoretic characterization of several serum albumin variants Sci Sin. 1981 Nov; 24(11):1597-602. . View in PubMed

[Studies on polymorphisms of blood proteins in Chinese populationsII. Study on polymorphism of serum transferrin in Chinese (author's transl)]. Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao. 1981 Mar; 3(1):1-5. . View in PubMed

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