

Laura Perin Gallandt

Laura Perin Gallandt

Associate Professor of Research Urology;Vice Chair of Research, Surgery at CHLA
Pediatrics CHLA
CHL MailStop 35 Off Campus Los Angeles

Regenerative medicine of the kidney Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2011 Apr 30; 63(4-5):379-87. . View in PubMed

Dr. Laura Perin is an Associate Professor at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. Dr Perin obtained a master’s degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Padova, and a Ph.D. in Stem cells and Tissue Engineering at the Harvard School of Medicine. Dr. Perin’s research is focused on studying the mechanisms that regulate kidney damage, with specific attention to glomerular injuries. Dr Perin uses different regenerative approaches including extracellular vesicles, stem cells, organ a chip technology, and development biology to understand the molecular mechanisms that modulate renal regeneration. Dr. Perin has received many intramural and extramural awards and has published more than 70 articles in the field of renal regeneration.
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